Sleep has gone out the window here at our little home--Huxley's decided it's just not his thing.
I partially blame those darn teeth that are so close to breaking through, but if that wasn't enough for us to deal with, we have also decided to make the transition from allowing him to sleep with us to sleeping in his 'big boy' crib.
We came to this decision Saturday after Matt & I awoke at 6:30am with a 'THUD' promptly followed by a wailing Hux.
Huxley rolled out of bed.
He cried for a minute or two, as I consoled him while Matt simultaneously talked me down from a huge freak-out.
(have I mentioned how amazing of a man I've got by my side?)
Remaining calm helped the situation out so much as I checked our little boy over & over for any signs of injury. He seemed unscathed but we didn't let him go back to bed immediately incase he had hit his little coconut head.
We were lucky, it could have been worse.
We had been co-sleeping since we got home from the hospital with Huxley, and it worked for us but Saturday was a hard reminder that co-sleeping isn't always the best option.
Feeling utterly defeated as a Mama after a long week with new parenting challenges I phoned a close friend of mine to confide in her about the fall. She responded quite coolly, saying how so many parents are just too ashamed or embarrassed to talk about it, but it happens all the time. Her daughter had taken a few rolls of the couch & she is absolutely perfect. She helped me regain my confidence and I now realize this is all a part of growing into the role as a Mother.
We know we have to endure a few sleepless nights to get into our new routine, but hopefully we come out of this with a child who sleeps the whole night though...
in his own bed!
Until then here are a few photos of when the Hux really loved his sleep!

PS: We will be announcing the winner of the Boon Bath Goods contest tomorrow! Get your last entries in today!!!!