looking for December Sponsors!
Holy moly, it'll be December next week!
We haven't done a Sponsor blerb in quite some time & well, what better time to boost your advertising ventures than in December?
The most magical month of the year.
& I promise that we have some pretty magic-filled things in store for the blog this month...
Holiday Gift Guides, some fabulous Giveaways--just to name a few, and of course...
all things Huxley.
Our readership has been growing and growing with a demographic of mostly women between the ages of 20-40, who are either preggers, have kids or both & live in the US.
(although we have readers from throughout the world, which is way cool, shout out to you lovely readers in the Netherlands!)
Check out our Ad Spot Rates HERE & shoot me an email (lifewiththehux@gmail.com) if you're interested!
& as a little Holiday gift to you, I am extending a review with the purchase of a large ad-spot ($50 savings!)
We'd be so stoke to partner up with you as we love love love all of our Sponsors & only work with the coolest of the cool.
life with Hux, lately.
Alright, Mamas with kiddos that never stop...
What do you do with your babe all day?
I feel like I need to be way more structured with Hux now that he's in school twice a week. He love love loves that place, but I want him to be more excited about home + Mommy than Teacher Sam & circle time.
This is a typical day with my little man lately:
We've been starting our days at 5:45-6am everyday, thank you very little Daylight Savings
This is also now the time Huxley likes to tell me, "Poop. Potty."
Pretty exciting in terms of the potty training situation!
I let Hux flush & say "Bye Bye Poop", and wash & dry hands.
Hux is set up with his Juice + Pre-Breakie Snack + Sesame Street time
I'll fix breakfast while Huxley lounges... l typically his favorite chicken sausage and fruit, although lately he's been letting me sneak in some cheesy eggs
After breakfast we bombard Daddy & try to rouse him for work.
Once Matt is out the door we get dressed (although sometimes, to be honest, we jammie it up for awhile...) and ready for whatever the day has to offer.
Typically we run some errands around this time & then if Hux hasn't crashed (typically at noon he will nap) we will lunch, but usually we eat after nap around 2pm since he is snacking inbetween anyways
From 2-6pm is the gap I need to get more creative with.
Here are a couple things we like to do during this time:
Sing & Dance to the Toddler Station on Pandora.com (I like to include yoga poses, and body part recognition with our dances...such as "touch your toes! touch your hair!" etc)
Reading books
Playing Educational Games on the iPad
Outdoor playtime
We do dinner (typically before Matt gets home, because bedtime is rapidly approaching).
It's either bathtime(which happens 2-3 times a week now because Hux's skin is sooo sensitive to the dry air) or just a washcloth to the bod
I coat Hux with coconut oil, jammie him then it's books & bed.
I know it sounds like a lot, and somedays it feels like enough, but any new fun, fresh, creative & budget friendly ideas are totally welcome!
Until then, we'll be the ones with paint on our faces...
On weaning your babe...
I thought I'd make it official.
Because, posting it to a blog makes anything official, you know...
Hux is weaned at 22 months.
It's bittersweet & I truly believe this kid would've been at the boob until his first day of kindergarten.
Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it's just not for me...really.
The hardest part about weaning, for me, has been that I can't instantly comfort Hux, which to be honest, is really all our nursing sessions had become.
Huxley seems to be adjusting okay, and doesn't really bother asking for them anymore. He is still the same snuggle bug he's always been--LOVE that, and I love that he will cuddle me just to cuddle and not for the boobs.
All & all, it was time.
I'm so very thankful that I was able to nurse Huxley this long, albeit not exclusive, but it's still something I will always hold dear to my heart. All our little moments that breastfeeding gave us as Mother & Son have taught me so much about myself as a parent and has bonded us for life.
Christmas Eve Jammie Sale at Goat-Milk NYC!
Growing up, every Christmas Eve we got to open one present--our new Christmas pajamas.
I love this little tradition we had & have kept it going with Huxley.
Sometimes it's tricky picking the one pair of PJs for the occasion, but guess what...
Our favorite favorite favorite Goat-Milk line of organic kids basics is having a pretty stellar 25% off sale on their Tartan Thermal Bottoms.
Can we say, Perfect Christmas Jammies?
Go. Shop. Be Merry.
Thankgiving #2-- in the books.
It's no secret in our house that Thanksgiving is Matt's faaaaavorite holiday.
My first clue was probably when he cooked an entire Thanksgiving feast in the middle of July. For no reason & then again in October just to "practice" for the Big Day.
His plate last night weighed atleast 4lbs.
It was kind of ridiculous.
...& delicious!
We have a new dish to add to our menu, and you should add it to yours too---corn casserole, yuh-um.
Thank you Pinterest!
Hux on the other hand was all about the Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Cider & drinking from a big boy glass. He could give two rips about food. Unless it's ice cream. Or whipped cream.
Or anything covered in those two things.
He is unofficially weaned, too...(still asks for them 3-100 times a day) & one would think that would help his appetite, but nope.
I'm praying once these canines are through we'll have a voracious eater.
If not I'm just going to cover his broccoli in whipped cream...
(not really.)
I am so thankful for all of you, our family & friends, and even people we've never met, but still are bonded through a common love..Hux.
We hope you have a lovely weekend resting & digesting!
'Tis the Season--Flutter & Twirl Mobile Giveaway!
Today's Giveaway is from Flutter and Twirl, an adorable Etsy shop that sells handmade mobiles with just the right amount of whimsy and woodland.
My favorite thing about Flutter and Twirl is that Sara, the creator, puts so much love into her beautiful designs.
Sara has been generous enough to offer up one mobile with a retail value of $55 USD to one lucky life with the Hux. reader.
To enter simply visit Flutter and Twirl & comment below on which mobile you'd like to have as your own.
For extra entries you can...
-Follow life with the Hux on GFC
-Vote for life with the Hux. (one vote & entry daily)
-Like life with the Hux. on Facebook
*Giveaway extended until Friday, December 7th! Winner will be chosen via random.org*
Congrats & check your email HD!
HD said...
voted for you
sproutsomethinggreen at gmail.com

before the cold came in..
It's a fine line between fall & winter here on the East Coast.
These photos were taken (yikes) before Halloween during Hux's first pumpkin carving experience.
He's such a little character this boy.
Everytime the camera comes out he says, "cheeeeese".
Hopefully he does a good job at our family photo session? Hopefully.
Lately we have been working on some pretty big milestones with Huxley.
Weaning & potty training.
I know. We are really shooting for the moon. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
...& we are computing again!
It feels so awkward being on a computer!
After using only a smartphone or iPad to be connected to the WWW I am now back on a grown-up size computer, and can't stop trying to touch the screen to select things...woops.
Anyways, HI!
We missed you.
We hope you are still around, because sakes alive, Hux has gotten even cuter.
If you can believe that...I didn't think it was possible myself!
But, seriously, our little Huxman is coming up with new ways to make us smile all the time, and communication has become almost effortless.
I promise you will be bombarded with photos + videos (and a new Giveaway to boot!!) and all things Huxley from here on out...
& to kick things off, a little video of Hux's favorite game, "Pop Pop Ew".
We shot this video the night he started playing the game with us--we didn't have a clue where it came from & was cracking our stuff up! I finally asked his school if they had a game like that, and sure enough, they did! What a little sponge!
a quick resurfacing...
Sorry for the crazy MIA spell.
Hux dumped an entire cup of coffee into my MacBook Pro & killed it.
Total bummer moment, & for time being I am just putting this little note up via Matt's iPad--which is not very condusive for blogging.
Shortly after the whole computer debacle happened Huxley and I hopped a flight to MI to avoid Hurricane Sandy---which was looking pretty gruesome at the time & heading right for us.
So, that is where we've been.
Holed up & riding out the storm with Papa and Honey Mama as Hux now calls his Grandma.
(We are now back in PA, and have a mostly dry home and power.)
We send our love, thoughts & prayers to any of you affected by Sandy.
She was quite the beast.
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