

drool baby

Are two month olds supposed to be a complete drool factory?
Because this sweet face is...

I've got slobber on pretty much every wearable top I own.

(note: wearable. Not many of my old tops fit my new milk trucks, or allow for easy feedings. Maybe I should stop buying Huxley cute little outfits & get a few functional tops...

We are off to enjoy this dark rainy day by doing what we do best.

We hope you have a lovely Thursday wherever you may be.



we have a new friend in our house!

Huxley just received a new friend, Gaffney, in the mail from our friends over at Huggable Teddy Bears. They have the sweetest stuffies I've ever laid my eyes on & amazing gift baskets as well.

I'm drooling over the Pancake Memories Gift Basket, perfect for Mother's Day which is just around the corner all you Daddies out there (hint hint, nudge nudge)!

They also have Easter Gifts perfect for your little ones basket, or even an upcoming Baby Shower! We love the Bunny Coat gift set and Lavender Lamb.

There are some sweet snugglies that would make excellent presents for Birthdays, and even Father's Day!

This story behind this company is pretty cool too, started by Robert & Brian who are Big/Little brothers in the Big Brother
Big Sister Program.

Pop on over today and find a new snuggly friend for your home!

(I know a photo is worth a thousand words, but I decided this was a video worthy moment as well!)

What The Frig?!

Greetings, lovelies.
Today I'm starting what I'd like to call What the Frig Wednesdays.
(I've been meaning to do this for, um, ahem, weeks. Whoops.)

These will be dedicated to all of those WTF?! moments us new parents inevitably encounter.
Those moments NOT expected, or explained in all the popular books out there.
Those moments I am SO glad a few close friends warned me about, and when they happened to me I wasn't dialing up our Pediatrician in hysterics.

Okay, let's start with one of our first huge WTF episodes with Huxley:


Galactorwhat?...Oh, I've heard of that band. Great funk band.
No, Galactorrehea. In this case, Neonatal Milk AKA Witches Milk.
& no folks, it's not an STD.

ga·lac·tor·rhea definition or chiefly British
Pronunciation: /gə-ˌlak-tə-ˈrē-ə/
Function: n
a spontaneous flow of milk from the nipple

Neonatal milk or witch's milk is milk secreted from the breasts of many newborn infants. It is caused by a combination of the effects of maternal hormones before birth, prolactin and growth hormone passed through breast feeding and the postnatal pituitary and thyroid hormone surge in the infant.
Witch's milk is more likely to be secreted by infants born at full term, than by prematurely-born infants. Breast milk production occurs in about 5% of newborns and can persist for two months though palpable breast buds can persist into childhood ("'Witch's milk'. Galactorrhea in the newborn")

I am so thankful that one of Matt's coworkers warned me of this, but was a little thrown when it happened to my son. In her case, it was with her daughter. I thought it far more likely of a scenario to have a little girl who is born with those components for later in life to have this happen to her than to have a little boy with tiny swollen moobies.

Fret not, there was no need for treatment, and there is only cause for concern if the area becomes red, or tender to the touch.

Huxley is 10 weeks and still has a little engorgement to him but he does not seem to mind, and this Mama definitely will omit this milestone from his baby book.

Many more "What the frig!!??" moments to come in the future, until then, Happy Wednesday!



mama wants, Bunny neeeeds

Tea Collection is having a 3-Day sale on a lot of super cute-for-your-drool-baby tees! I love these two tops! Thinking Huxley may need them to add to his summer wardrobe!

Pop on over & check out Tea Collection's Sales today!



typical Saturday

I've said it before, we love our weekends, and we started this Saturday just like any other.

- Whole family early morning snuggle session.
- Coffee with almond milk & honey for me & plain black for the mister
- Yummy breakfast & cartoons

Now we're gearing up to do some weekend errand running (laundry, groceries, farmers market, maybe even the gym if time allows) before Mama has to go to work.

My Mom sent me a few of my baby photos since I didn't have a single one laying around to do a comparison. Here's a photo of Daddy, Mommy & Bunny. We are all pretty darn cute as squishy babies.



sickie bunnies

Sorry for the silence on our ends. It's been a rough transition going from 0-full time at work, and keeping things in order at home. Throw in a not-feeling-so-good Mama, and Baby & wallah! The perfect list of excuses, I believe.

Although, I've been feeling worn to the bones I somehow managed to pull off throwing the mister a surprise Birthday get-together yesterday. He has such amazing friends and family, which is why it wasn't so hard to pull it off. I had A LOT of help from one of his Rugby friends, Christine. She basically did everything, and I owe her a million thank yous.

All that aside, and even though we feel like ick...
this is what I wake up to after a nice little nap.

PS Thank you for keeping the votes coming! We are climbing the Top Baby Blog list!

Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs


life with the Hux & with out dairy

Last week I started to notice that Huxley's incredibly sensitive skin & mild facial eczema had gone from bad to worse. It was red and inflamed & just looked plain uncomfortable. As a Mama I felt terrible and frantically sifted through books, and online resources to find causes and cures for his sweet face.
All I could come up with & made the most sense was a dairy allergy. The descriptions all matched up.

So goodbye cheese, & hello Nutritional Yeast. It gives a somewhat decent cheese like flavor to my cheese-free pizza, or on top of veggies. It's located in the bulk section at Whole Foods, or packaged in the vitamin section near Brewer's Yeast.

Yesterday, the mister, Hux and I went to breakfast at a little bakery nearby before Huxley's 2 month Doctor visit. He had to get 2 vaccines, which he handled like such a brave little Bunny. I nursed him right before and after---Mamas, this is the trick! He was so relaxed and comforted that he was asleep by the time I was putting him in his car seat. He was so nice to save Mama the trauma of a hysterical screaming hurt little guy. I'm so blessed.

I don't think I could say that enough.
SO blessed.


two months young

today Huxley Otis celebrated his second month birthday & all the little/big/everything-is-a-first milestones in those 8 weeks.

he's been a doll baby since the day we met,
and we are the luckiest.



please dear God don't let my Mom see this...

because this Mama has been shopping!

I know, I know, I know, we are on a TIGHT budget. I mean like jaws-of-life needed tight, but I had coupons, and credit, and I neeeeeeeeeded those nursing jammies and tank!
This Boon Drying rack for our bottles & other baby items looks so much
nicer on our counter than a dish towel.

We now have three, yes, THREE of these ShiShu Baby blankets.
I just had to get it in blue now that Hux is here!

A cute springy onesie for the Bunsie.

Mama's if you are going to nurse, you're going to need nursing tanks. Period.
I have such a long torso that this tank (with slimming effects) was a perfect steal off Zulily. (click to get your membership invite and scope the deals!!)

As I said, I needed this pj set. I'm literally in jameroos 90% of the time, and I'll feel a heck of a lot cuter nursing 'round the clock in this ensemble by Hotmilk.

We are now off for our first little vacation as a family! We're headed to Matt's Grandparents' for the night, and we could not be more excited to let them spend some quality time with their Grandbaby!

Wish us luck!



even on a rainy day

Mama had her first day back at the gym since Huxley was born!

I snuck out this morning since Hux was in high spirits just laying in his crib talking and cooing to his Woodland friends & staring up at his colorful mobile. Daddy was up and about & was totally awesome to let me cut in to his get-ready-for-work routine.

It's been raining non-stop since 2am, but that did not slow me down.
I headed to Planet Fitness after a breakfast of champions
(the rest of a giant vegan oatmeal cookie sandwich from Whole Foods & a small cup of french pressed Organic Yukon Blend.)
It may have been the sugar coma/caffeine buzz, but I felt awesome.

It's definitely going to become a routine for this Mama, sans this carb-bomb:

Huxley's been dealing with eczema for over a week, and it seems to be getting worse.
I've decided to cut dairy from my diet, and eliminate any antagonizers. Too bad I just picked up a case of Greek yogurt from Costco. Fail.

we send love, and all good things.


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not so terrible Tuesday

Huxley & I got out today and did a little shopping. I got a few new things for spring wardrobe from H & M. They have a lot of super cute, affordable pieces for this season. Hux was in his Baby Bjorn sleeping so I couldn't really try on anything. We had a fashion show when we got home and happily two out of three worked...guess I haven't figured out how to dress the 'girls' just yet.

I haven't broke the news to him about Mama going back to work next week.
On his 2 month birthday to top it off.

So much to do to prepare for that day.

Until then, Huxie wanted to show you his Bunnies!



all good things must come to an end.

Mama just got her schedule for work next week.
Feeling anxious, sad, excited, and a lot of other emotions about returning to 'Bux.
I'm still processing, and denying the end is near.

On a brighter note, I actually threw some paint on a canvas today--must become financially self-sufficiant!

Oh, &
we won this sweet lamp for little Bunner's nursery.
It's from Oilo.

Thank's Shari at Spearmint Baby for helping us dec Hux's room in style!



Our slow Sunday

Here at the farm we sure do love our weekends.
We spent our Saturday lounging about the place, taking family cat naps, singing and reading books with Huxley & even got out for breakfast with our lovely friends Eric & Kristen.

Huxley has been very entertaining with all his new discoveries. He's now big enough to enjoy his bouncy seat, which he will sit in & talk to his friends and even bat at them (video of that cuteness to come!) It's awesome because Mama can get things done, and Hux can see me while he plays.

So much to fill you in on, but so much to do during the little man's nap!

our love to all,



our little Babbler

Since there isn't much to update & it's the weekend and we love weekends 'cause we get Daddy all to ourselves, here is a video until next time!



Flashback Friday

As with all new Mama's I am missing my pre-baby bod quite a bit.
It will take a lot of patience, discipline & hard work, but this lady is determined
to get back into my favorite 'kinis.
I'm almost back to being a complete veggie, but since I am nursing the chicken hasn't been
removed from the menu, yet. At my 6 week check-up I'd lost 20 lbs. and have 25 more to get back to pre-Hux weight. How will I achieve that?
Pure luck.
(kidding. sort of.)
Cutting the sugars down & eventually out. Lots. Of. Greens. Water & more water. And finally getting out and about with Hux in the stroller.
Thank Jesus, Spring's around the corner.

Here is the mister & I in West Palm Beach last March.

(My how our worlds were flipped in just one little year.)



Product Reviews with the Hux

The Bumbo (which we scored for a cool 5 bones from a lovely Mama off Craigslist) recieves:
One hand in mouth
We likey. Lots.

Again, the Moby, which all 8' of fabric can be quite intimidating at first, is one of Hux's favorite hang out spots.

We have TONS more to review, so hold tight...Huxley can't wait to tell you
what he thinks about all his other cool stuff!

Until then, help us climb the Baby Blog Social Ladder?
Click the image below & then click once more to put in a vote for our little tribe!

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my morning with Hux.

Good golly I love my little Bunner. He's such a doll Baby & I am convinced his impossible-to-disturb sleep habits were formed while Mama was still preggoh, whippin' up Lattes & grinding X-Bold beans.

Thanks to Hux's awesome nap, I've managed to:
Give myself a moisturizing facial
Actually put on a touch of makeup!
Make a yummy blueberry/strawberry protein smoothie
annnnd have enough time to blog all about it!

(he didn't even flinch when I turned on the Ninja!)

Now off to tackle as many not-so-fun things on my To Do List as I can before he wakes up!