Mama had her first day back at the gym since Huxley was born!
I snuck out this morning since Hux was in high spirits just laying in his crib talking and cooing to his Woodland friends & staring up at his colorful mobile. Daddy was up and about & was totally awesome to let me cut in to his get-ready-for-work routine.
It's been raining non-stop since 2am, but that did not slow me down.
I headed to Planet Fitness after a breakfast of champions
(the rest of a giant vegan oatmeal cookie sandwich from Whole Foods & a small cup of french pressed Organic Yukon Blend.)
It may have been the sugar coma/caffeine buzz, but I felt awesome.
It's definitely going to become a routine for this Mama, sans this carb-bomb:

Huxley's been dealing with eczema for over a week, and it seems to be getting worse.
I've decided to cut dairy from my diet, and eliminate any antagonizers. Too bad I just picked up a case of Greek yogurt from Costco. Fail.
we send love, and all good things.
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