

sun shiny wonderful.

Hi! Sure has been quiet on our blog, eh?
It's just been so hard to find time to sit and put a few words on this screen. 
Things are going really good--Matt's back to work, and I've been with the kids for two weeks now. It's been an adjustment but I love it. Hux has been phenomenal with Ellis, and is so kind and helpful. Whenever he is asked to be a "big helper" he is more than eager to oblige. Love him.

Ellis June has been growin', chunking up, and giving us hours of soul bursting awake time where she just coos and laughs and smiles. Such simple things she offers up that are better than anything on this earth.

We hope you're enjoying these sunny days of summer.
Soak them in.



just me + the Babes.

Oh, boy. It's back to reality. Thank my lucky stars--I wouldn't want it any other, wait. It WAS really awesome having Daddy here round the clock, snuggling and cooking and just generally being amazing.

I'm pretty much all healed up...kind of...I mean, the nurses only come twice a week instead of every.single.effing.morning at the butt crack of dawn.ugh. So that's an improvement.

And by the way...we've officially entered into the real world of raising a newborn + toddler.
What once was glorious sleep filled  nights the first few weeks with Lulu now goes something like this...

8pm: Ellis falls asleep.
9ishpm: Hux follows suit.
11pm: Just as I'm falling asleep, Ellis wakes. Nurses. Goes back down.
11:45pm: Hux is up. Needs a drink.
2am: Ellis is up. WIDE awake and wants us to fawn over her chunky cuteness. One of us grogily obliges while the other is tending to Huxley, who is now up as well because he wet the bed or he teeth are hurting. Or both.
4am: Ellis needs boobs.
5am: Hux wants cheese and crackers and Kipper.
7am: I am ready for a glass of wine.

 One kid was a cakewalk...but this isn't sooo bad. I mean, these are the best days of our lives, right?


ps: Polarn O. Pyret Giveaway winner was drawn...see if you won by clicking HERE


31 months + 6.5 weeks with souls of a hundred years or more

Oh how much I achingly love + adore these two amazing little persons.
Brimming with personality, curiosity and a palpable love.
Their eyes, giant orbs that tell stories of what the are, and was and will be.
My old souled Babes.


Want to shop Hux + Lulu's closet?
Visit us on Instagram: shophuxandlulu
to check out the goods



Hux + Lulu [dot blogspot dot com]

Whew! We've finally updated our blog to include Baby Sister Ellis (as Huxley has come to call her)...that only took about 8 weeks to do...

Please note that we will be changing our URL from to on Monday, August 19th!

Wouldn't want you over there on the other side of the screen freaking out with a "Page Not Found" error, like "Oh my gosh, no more life with the Hux?! It can't be!! Say it ain't so!! My life is ruinnnnned!" Because that would just not be good! So please make note! We will be changing this on Monday--so find us at and then bookmark us so you don't forget! 


Editors Note: I opted not to change---we may be buying our own dot com that will just redirect our original URL...way less of a headache perhaps. Stay tuned & keep voting for us! 


big-eyed babes.

Still resting up & healing over here.
Officially banned from making plans as I'm a grade-A space cadet these days.
Forgot diapers on our first outing to Grandpop & Honey Mom Moms.
(major epic Mom fail)
Forgot the photographer was coming tonight.
(had to reschedule)
Forgot I'd made plans to meet with some Mamas this morning to trade wares.
(had to send Matt--bless his giant amazing willing heart)
So, I'm learning how be non-commmital for now, and distracting myself in the best way possible...
snuggling these big-eyed babes of ours.



6 weeks + a letter to Ellis.

Oh, miss Ellis...what the six weeks we have had! 
I'm so very thankful that we got this (terrible horrible yucky) excuse to snuggle for pretty much a month straight--it helped me cope with the pain, frustration and all the bad things that came along with the journey & it brought us so very close.

Last night while your Daddy held you I walked into the room and started talking to him---your eyes got bigger, your started to act really excited & then proceeded to shower me with these genuine, heart-cracking smiles and coos.

Made every ounce of hurt vanish.

You're my morphine, Ellis June + I love you through and through.



our first big adventure out + Polarn O. Pyret $75 GC (& free shipping code) Giveaway

[Hux in striped tank c/o Polarn O. Pyret]
I've got to admit, it's getting better--all the time. 

I'm starting to feel more like myself again, and not revolving around the routine of medicine logging +nurse visits (although those still happen daily) and laying about-- I've been more inclined to get up and arou the house, hep with c
hores and Huxley and even braving the grocery store.

Last night we decided to can going to our local co-op and adventure downtown Traverse City for some veggie sushi and strolling the kids in their fancy new ride (we ended up getting a Bumbleride Indie Twin + LOVE it). 

Simply dressing up to go out of the house brings me contentment. I love styling my babies. They're my doll babies, Matt says. Since the Michigan weather gods were smiling, Huxley rocked his new striped tank c/o Polarn O. Pyret--it's the perfect summer top and great layering piece & if you order it a little big you can get a couple seasons wear out of it! Bonus. I'm a huge fan of simple designs, and boy do those Swedes pull of simple gorgeously. 

If you haven't checked out what PO.P has to offer you really should, and if you find yourself stocking your online cart with $75 or more worth of clothes (which is scary easy to do) you can use the code HUXPOP for free shipping on your order.

Don't feel like spending $75 on clothing? Then enter to win $75 store credit to Polarn O. Pyret by simply visiting their website + leaving a comment on your favorite piece. 

You can earn extra entries by...

*Contest and Free Shipping Code will run until August 16th, 2013, winner will be drawn via*


Please shoot me an email, lucky winner..
Blogger Miss Penny Pincher said...
I like the eco basics
August 15, 2013 at 2:25 PM


dear haute hippy mama types, it's OK to drink Starbucks + baby wear.

Yesterday I was lucky enough to have my dearest friend and her sweet family over for a visit (and help wrangling Hux before Matt flew back into MI from his Grandmom's funeral out in PA) and we were talking about crunchy hippie Mama things like baby-wearing, co-sleeping, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, placenta encapsulating, organic clothes + gardening---you know, granola nut stuff. We dig it. But, anyways, she had made a statement that it has become trendy to be into said earth muffin things. I guess I never really realized it or gave it much thought since our family's lifestyle has kind of grown into what it is now, which began in college for me & really ramped up after becoming pregnant with Huxley. I turned into a super chemical-sensitive, label-reading, organic/Non-GMO only food + clothing freak. Kind of over-board I'll admit.

 & it irked me to think about healthy living being trendy, because where is the heart in that? We chose to raise our kids in a healthy environment because it is the right thing to do not because it'll gain us a friend in the co-op check out line. But then I'd just be as judgey as the next person. I don't want to be judgey. Drink your grande non-fat no foam latte, Mama. I am not throwing stones.

Having kids has totally humbled my once wannabe dirty hippie self. I want to put out there into the universe that both my babes were augmented hospital births, Ellis was an emergency cesarean, & I have had to give my children formula.

I cringe at all of those things. I've mourned over all of those things. I've beaten myself up and down and sideways over all of those things because that wasn't what I wanted for my babies. I wanted pure, natural, untainted beautiful beginnings for them and they got dealt a whole different road. 

But you know what?

Huxley is gorgeous. He is kind, and funny, and healthy.

Ellis is beautiful. She is a zen, un-needy little being that is gaining weight and growing perfectly with just the tiniest help from formula.

And I am not going to apologize or turn in my Mama card or feel less than...annnd I will proudly breastfeed in public with my designer diaper bag, sipping kombucha and eating kale chips because I actually like the taste of them not because they are the cool thing to be eating but simply because I can, ...and will dammit.



learning lessons.

Sitting here uploading photos I came across this one and couldn't help but laugh out loud. 
A major parenting fail, leaving Hux alone with chocolate pudding, but man did he have fun--it's like edible finger paint...that stains! What fun!

Maybe next time we'll try it on paper at the table with newspaper laid down everywhere, and with much more adult supervision...

I love that kid, I really really do.



learning to breathe.

[Ellis will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. Pinch me.]
[Who is this handsome young man, and where is my sweet baby boy?]

This month has dealt us quite the hand.

Birth, sickness, growth, adjustment, the passing of Matt's Grandmom, the birth of a new cousin, our struggles to knit together our family of four--- newness everyday. 

I'm still healing up. Fingers crossed next week I will no longer have an open hole in my lower abdomen. The daily nurse visits are not really my cup of tea, and I really really really miss getting out and doing things on my own. That being said, I am really really really grateful/blessed/overwhelmingly indebted to our family and friends for stepping in and helping us with Huxley and anything we've needed. 

God most definitely had a plan when we moved to MI.

Hux is having a really hard time lately. It breaks our hearts to watch him act out in frustration, jealousy, all those horrible feelings I never wanted him to feel with the arrival of Ellis. Eventually we will all find our stride. Until then, we are relearning how to breathe...
