

What's In Our Fridge Friday

This week's fridge happens to belong to the amazing baby + twin toddler (that's 3 kids under two, folks) juggling Mama, Crista, who writes over at Hearts and Hands More Than Full.  You seriously need to go and check out her story. It's inspiring, and will make your hard day with one toddler seem like a day at the spa. 

Crista keeps her fridge totally organized in a His + Hers kind of style. She likes to do 300-400 calorie meals, while her hubs takes in about 1k. Awesome. To be that lucky, right? In the repurposed honey jar (local Jelinek honey, that is...yum), she keeps homemade flax meal. There is various tofus (firm for cooking & silken for smoothie), tart cherry juice (rockin' for joints and high in antioxidents), english muffins, and coconut water chillin' at the bottom---you know, the good stuff. Crista seems to keep a pretty crunchy fridge, & I love it!

Honestly, I'm surprised she doesn't have two refrigerators---teen years, perhaps? 

If you want your fridge featured please send photos & a little bit about what's in them to


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