Hux is a hoss.
He has been since he was born--a whopping 9lb 8oz 21.5" giant boy.
Since day one we've struggled to keep weight on this kid, because he is ALWAYS moving.
He has been since he was born--a whopping 9lb 8oz 21.5" giant boy.
Since day one we've struggled to keep weight on this kid, because he is ALWAYS moving.
No joke. Even as a tiny newborn he was always wiggling around & as he grew he learned quite quickly how to become mobile.
Even though he is slender at almost 12 months--he is barely tipping the scale at 20lbs, but Huxley is STRONG.
Every doctor who has examined him has noted how ridiculous his strength is--even at 4mos we were strong arming him to get a diaper on!
I've found a bunch of healthy finger food that Hux devours and thought I'd share some examples of his daily diet. We don't subscribe to any particular diet (Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, etc...) I consider our style Heathitarian:
Even though he is slender at almost 12 months--he is barely tipping the scale at 20lbs, but Huxley is STRONG.
Every doctor who has examined him has noted how ridiculous his strength is--even at 4mos we were strong arming him to get a diaper on!
I've found a bunch of healthy finger food that Hux devours and thought I'd share some examples of his daily diet. We don't subscribe to any particular diet (Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, etc...) I consider our style Heathitarian:
organic fruits (blueberries, bananas, oranges & mangoes are his faves)
bagel with veggie cream cheese
Pizza bites
(you could make these with bagels, sauce & cheese or find them at your local co-op/Whole Foods)
YoBaby Yogurt
Pirate Brands Original Tings Corn Sticks
Happy Tots Squeezy Pouch (LOVE these--they have Chia seeds in them which pack a huge nutritional boost)
Vegan Ginger Snap Cookies (Hux's favvvveeee)
Dr. Praeger's Breaded Fishies with vegan Tarter Sauce
Organic Sweet Potato French Fries
Organic Ketchup
Steamed Organic Broccoli
Example Numero 2
Organic Fruits (mandarin oranges & strawberries)
Ian's Gluten-Free French Toast Sticks with a touch of Michigan Maple Syrup
Local Chicken Sausage Links
Earth's Best Chicken Nuggets
Organic Ranch Dressing
Organic Potato Puffs
Steamed Green Beans
Gluten-Free Pretzels
Earth's Best Yogurt Squeezy Pouch
Chicken Alfredo with Peas, Broccoli & Spinach
Throughout the day Hux nurses, he also gets fresh juiced organic apples & carrots or whatever else we may have juiced
Huxley also drinks Local Goat's Milk
These foods seem to work best for Hux. He can eat them effortlessly, and digest them without any issues. I am still green, and I know I could definitely offer even healthier options for Huxley, but he is thriving and happy and that truly is all that matters.

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