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[Hux + his Sip] |
As bottles are now a thing of the past in our home (for now, that is) we have moved on to transitional cups, and "big boy" cups, but before moving I threw all of our sippies into recycling because of how banged up and gross they'd gotten. Thankfully, when I arrived in MI there was a box of brand spankin' new, super cool, bright, fun Boon sippies just waiting for Hux to slurp on.
These three different cups, Modster, Stout & Sip, can be found in-store at Target with a totally doable price tag (ranging from $7.49-$12.99) and are all BPA free. Pretty much everything I ever wanted in a sippy cup.
Huxley's favorite has been the Sip, and it's been a dream to use, but you have to be super careful to line up the handle or the lid doesn't go on right--so, just a few words of wisdom, check the handle, and always do a "tip over" test before handing off your cup!
Would you like your own set of Boon sippies? See below on how you can win a set of each!
To be entered to win a package including a Modster, SIP & Stout sippy set in the colors of your choice simply leave a comment on whether your child has a personality that matches "Modster" (outgoing, vibrant, colorful, creative), "Sip" (gentle, formal, proper) or "Stout" (grounded, calm & easygoing).
For extra entries...
Follow life with the Hux on GFC
*Giveaway will end May 22nd & winner will be drawn via random.org*
household is only eligible to win 3 TOMY products, via blog reviews and
giveaways, each calendar year. Only one entrant per household per
giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not
be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility
& the winner is...
- I have a proper Sip gentleman :)
1 – 200 of 234 Newer› Newest»I've got one Modster!
We've got modsters over here! :)
Modster for sure!
Modster also! jessicapeeling@yahoo.com
Liked Boon on Facebook (Jessica P) jessicapeeling@yahoo.com
Following Boon via Twitter (the2ndthought) jessicapeeling@yahoo.com
Following you via Twitter (the2ndthought) jessicapeeling@yahoo.com
Voted for your blog! jessicapeeling@yahoo.com
Following you via GFC (Jessica P) jessicapeeling@yahoo.com
I have a Modster and a Stout.
I like Boon on Facebook.
I follow Boon on Twitter.
I follow you on Twitter.
Modster for sure!
Mines a Modster!
Liked Boon on Facebook
Following Boon on Twitter
Following @lifewiththehux on Twitter as @Xrianya
Following you via GFC as AnarchyMomma
Voted on TopBabyBlogs.
my daughter is deffinately a modster! nicolel@catt.com
Mine is a total modster!!!
I have one modster and one stout. Guess that helps even out the household!
definitely Modster!!
im a fb fan of boon!
I have three girls, and I ended up with one of each type.
I've got a modster for sure! :)
I like Boon on Facebook. LaVonne Long is my FB name.
I am a Boon Twitter follower. @longwait4bella is my username.
I voted for you today! 10:55 PM PST
I have a Modster
Like Boon on FB. (heather.manu.9) heather.manu@yahoo.com
Following on twitter (heathermanu1) heather.manu@yahoo.com
I definitely have a Modster!
I like Boon on Facebook
I follow Boon on twitter as @dinkybinks3
I follow you on twitter as @dinkybinks3
I follow you on GFC
I voted for you
I have three modsters.
i followed boon on twitter
via kissxmonkeybutt
i liked boon's facebook page
i followed you on twitter
She's only just beginning to show her personality but I'm going to go with modster
already like boon on facebook (Angie Beechan)
angwith4 at gmail dot com
Follow boon on twitter as @angiewith3
angwith4 at gmail dot com
Follow life with the hux on twitter as @angiewith3
angwith4 at gmail dot com
Follow life with the hux via GFC (Angie)
angwith4 at gmail dot com
voted for you
angwith4 at gmail dot com
I have one sip and one modster
Liked Boon on Facebook
Followed Boon on Twitter
Followed Hux on twitter
Tried following on facebook but the link didn't work!
i have a modster
i follow boon on FB, amy sanford
i follow boon on twitter, @frecklefacecake
i voted on TBB
Oh I think Carter is the "Sip" (gentle, formal, proper)! He is so sweet and always says bless you when you sneeze...and excuse me when he burps....although there sure is a little Modster in him too at times!
landfjacobson @ charter.net
I Like Boon on Facebook
Laura Jacobson
landfjacobson @ charter.net
I follow you on GFC
Laura Jacobson
landfjacobson @ charter.net
I voted for you today!
landfjacobson @ charter.net
It's hard to say because he is barely started to show his attitude but I'd say modster.
My granddaughter would be Modster I think
maggietucker10 at yahoo dot com
I like Boon on fb
Rhonda Bailey Grisham
maggietucker10 at yahoo dot com
Following Boon on twitter @trrg12
maggietucker10 at yahoo dot com
I like you on fb Rhonda Bailey Grisham
maggietucker10 at yahoo dot com
Following you on twitter @trrg12
maggietucker10 at yahoo dot com
GFC follower maggietucker10
maggietucker10 at yahoo dot com
Voted for you
maggietucker10 at yahoo dot com
My two younger boys are definitely both Modsters, and they egg each other on to higher heights of outgoing derring-do. whispersanddreams@gmail.com
I liked Boon on Facebook. whispersanddreams@gmail.com
I follow Boon on Twitter as @lifesacuresong. whispersanddreams@gmail.com
I follow lifewiththehux on Twitter as @lifesacuresong. whispersanddreams@gmail.com
I voted. whispersanddreams@gmail.com
I follow Lifewiththehux on Facebook. whispersanddreams@gmail.com
I follow on GFC as Marti B. whispersanddreams@gmail.com
Modster, lol!
totally a modster!
I like boon on fb
I follow boon on twitter
Modster for sure!
Creative.. Ive never seen someone so young draw so well. Its amazing!
I follow boon on twitter. @dawnmonroe83
I like boon on facebook. Dawn Monroe
My son is a modster
I like boon on fb
Ashley wheeler
Shes a "Modster".
GFC follower-Teresa Thompson
i would have to say Sip here
I have a modster for sure!
I have a proper Sip gentleman :)
Definitely a Modster!
rufful at gmail dot com
I Like Boon on Facebook
rufful at gmail dot com
follow via gfc (Rochel Sid)
rufful at gmail dot com
I Follow Boon on Twitter (@lake12)
rufful at gmail dot com
My niece is definitely a modster
nlbourassa (at) gmail (dot) com
Liked Boon on facebook
nlbourassa (at) gmail (dot) com
Following Boon on twitter
nlbourassa (at) gmail (dot) com
Following Life with the hux on twitter
nlbourassa (at) gmail (dot) com
Voted 5/20
nlbourassa (at) gmail (dot) com
I have got a Modster on my hands!
Voted for you!
My baby girl is a cross between modster and stout!
I followed boon on twitter
I liked boon on facebook!
I voted for you!
I like Boon on FB (Pamela Halligan).
I follow on GFC - phallgan1
I like your FB page (Pamela Halligan).
I voted.
Our daughter is a Modster.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I like Boon on FB.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I like you on FB.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I follow you via GFC: allibrary.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
love my modster in home
My son is a Modster through and through! He is so full of energy!
My son's personality is Modster.
I am following Boon on twitter @cochran_maryann
I like Boon on facebook
I am following Life with the Hux on twitter @cochran_maryann
I voted for Life with a Hux
I am following you on GFC
She's a Modster!
Liked Boon on Facebook under the name Tyneisha Fondren
Followed Boon on Twitter under @tysweeps
I've got a stout for sure
I like boon on facebook
Voted 5/21
nlbourassa (at) gmail (dot) com
Both of my children would be monsters!
heididaily at gmail dot com
I like boon on facebook heidi reall daily
heididaily at gmail dot com
I follow boon on twitter @hreall
i follow your blog via gfc heidi daily
heididaily at gmail dot com
My child is definitely a "modster"
I think I have a Stout :)
I like Boon on FB (Saver Sara)
I follow you on GFC (Saver Sara)
Entering to win for my granddaughter, Kinlee. And she is definitely MODSTER...........caps intended! She is a pistol!
My youngest is a Modster for sure.
kimc767 at gmail.com
Following Boon on twitter
kimc767 at gmail.com
Definitely Modsters!
GFC Follower: Sam Stamp
Definitely a Modster :)
newmommiez at gmail dot com
I voted.
newmommiez at gmail dot com
Voted 5/22
nlbourassa (at) gmail (dot) com
i wish he was sout ,.. but we have a "Modster"
brookehell at gmail dot com
I Follow life with the Hux. on Twitter
brookehell at gmail dot com
i Voted for life with the Hux.
brookehell at gmail dot com
I Like Boon on Facebook
brookehell at gmail dot com
I Follow Boon on Twitter
brookehell at gmail dot com
My son Matthew is a Modster!
Liked Boon on Facebook - Sindy Murray
follow Boon on twitter @urmariposa
follow you on twitter @urmariposa
voted for your blog! sindy murray
GFC follower Sindy murray
My lil guy is definitely a Stout!
mcoats82@gmail dot com
Like Boon on FB (user Amanda Baros)
I voted today 5.22
Follow Boon on Twitter (@mandycoats)
Follow Life With The Hux on twitter (@mandycoats)
Voted on Top Baby Blogs :)
My son is Stout!
Follow with GFC (Mandy B)
I like Boon on Facebook.
I follow you on twitter @mypadawans
I follow you with GFC as Raising My Padawans
I voted for you!
My daughter is a Modster!
I liked life with the hux on facebook
my little guy is a modster eaglesforjack@gmail.com
like them on facebook (mrstinareynolds)
i definitely have a modster!
liked boon on facebook!
followed boon on twitter!
followed life with the hux on twitter
I followed boon on twitter
i liked boon on facebook
I've got a Modster for sure.
amandahoffman35 at yahoo dot com
Definitely a modster here
Mine is part Sip, part Modster! Depends on the day I guess!
Modster definitely!
I like Boon on Facebook.
I follow Boon on Twitter.
I follow life with the Hux on GFC.
We're a modster family!
I liked boon on FB
Definitely Modster!
i have a huge modster!! :)
my son is totally a modster!
I like boon on facebook!
I have twins - one modster and one stout
depends on which one we are talking about we have a mixture of all 3 in our family.
like boon on facebook
We're a modster family!
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