

baby girl gift guide + Blooming Bath Giveaway

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 Shopping for a girl has been fun...intimidating, overwhelmingly filled with ribbons and pink and cuteness, but mainly fun. 
I've kept a lot of things pretty neutral like our cradle, crib, carseat, & stroller---but definitely have acquired some frilly pink things as well. About the stroller...I have a small confession: I've already taken the new wheels on a test drive and love love love it. It did feel like something someone was missing though as the second seat only carried my giant diaper bag. 

Little Miss is pretty set for arrival--I've got a stockpile of Goat-Milk white onesies, muslin swaddling blankets, a breathable swaddler c/o Mod'Swad, light pilot caps, and all the essentials--save for a few odds + ends like new glass bottles, and newborn diapers (these were pretty crucial in the first couple days since you have to make sure Babe is getting enough milk..the ones with the indicator are fool sleep-deprived proof). Other than that we feel more than prepared & are just counting the days until her sweet debut!

If you would like to win one of those sweet Blooming Baths that are shaped like a delicate flower and are perfect for glamming up a good old fashioned sink bath then all you need to do is visit Blooming Bath's website + leave a comment telling me which color you like the best. 

Other ways to enter...

*Giveaway will end 4/7 & winner will be chosen via*


& the winner is:

Kbird said...
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Shoot me an email at to claim your prize!


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Unknown said...

I like Life With Hux on FB
Sue Hull

Unknown said...


Maggie Smith said...

Turquoise is my favorite!


Maggie Smith said...

I like you on FB as Maggie Smith
newmommyin08 at yahoo dot com

Maggie Smith said...

I voted for you

newmommyin08 at yahoo dot com

Maggie Smith said...

I follow on Twitter as @royaldixie

newmommyin08 at yahoo dot com

Maggie Smith said...


newmommyin08 at yahoo dot com

Guavalicious said...

i would love this for my friend who is not so sure about having a girl. For her, pink phobic as she is, yellow.

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