Artwork that lights up.
Are you kidding? This is the coolest creation ever!
This must be even more of a discovery when you are knee-deep in combined nursery plans, because how darling would any of these Fabric Night Lights look hung above Hux's big boy bed or the Babes crib?
These gorgeous pieces are illuminated with LED lights that can be turned on & off, and also have a removable cord. DiaNoche Designs also donates a portion to each sale to charity.
One of these Night Lights would make a perfect Baby Shower gift, or hey, even a Valentine's Day present! I'm completely smitten with this company and know you will be too!
You can enter to win your very own glowing work of art by visiting DiaNoche Designs & leaving me a comment on which piece you'd choose.
(It may take you awhile, there are SO many to choose from!)
Other ways to enter...
Follow life with the Hux on GFC
(Giveaway winner will win a small DiaNoche Designs piece of their choice. $149 RV)
You can also receive free shipping on your order (if you can't wait to see if you won, which I can't blame you!) by entering the code: hux321
*Giveaway extended to February 19th and winner will be selected via*
PS: Collegien Giveaway winner has been announced HERE!
& the winner of the DiaNoche Designs Giveaway is...
T Rex Mama said...
Sooo hard to pick! I love Hope Or Let's Just Be, The Red Balloon, Backquackers...
All so adorable for the little one's room!
February 14, 2013 at 4:17 PM
Congrats! Email me at to claim your prize!
& the winner of the DiaNoche Designs Giveaway is...

All so adorable for the little one's room!
February 14, 2013 at 4:17 PM

Congrats! Email me at to claim your prize!
1 – 200 of 256 Newer› Newest»I love their Views Over Venice
anger_family@yahoo dot com
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anger_family @yahoo dot com
like Life With The Hux on facebook; Ginette Dube Anger
anger_family @yahoo dot com
voted- Feb 1
anger_family @yahoo dot com
I love the "Flower Patch" in their children's collection.
voted - feb 2
voted - feb 3
anger_family @yahoo dot com
voted feb 4
anger_family @yahoo dot com
voted - feb 5
anger_family @yahoo dot com
voted - Feb 6
anger_family @yahoo dot com
voted - feb 7
anger_family @yahoo dot com
I'd choose the spring hills.
maria_nay @
Tough choice! I like sunshine and fly me to the moon :)
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
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mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
voted 2/8
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
I like the Window to Paradise!
I like Dianoche on FB (Nonnahs Hiebs)
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(Nonnahs Hiebs)
Follow life with the hux on twitter @Shiebs24
Voted for you today!
voted - feb 8
anger_family @yahoo dot com
I would love the get Spiral.
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
I like DiaNoche Designs on FB: Heather Schonrock Lyons
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
I follow you on Twitter: @hslyons
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
I like you on FB: Heather Schonrock Lyons
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
Voted for you on 2/8/13
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hschonrock at yahoo dot com
voted 2/9
Voted for you on 2/9/13
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
voted - feb 9
anger_family @yahoo dot com
voted today!
My favorite is Green Mum by Jessica Swift. Gorgeous and lit up would be amazing!
Following all of Dianoche Designs' boards on Pinterest. Pinned my favorite one here -
I'm a Facebook fan of Life with the Hux.
Following Life with the Hux on Twitter. moore30terri
I like Cable Cars at Night!
urchiken at gmail dot com
Voted for you on 2/10/13
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
I absolutely love their "Yoda"
Littlemamameow at gmail dot com
Liked DiaNoche Design on FB (Carolina Thomas)
Littlemamameow at gmail dot com
Following Dianoche Design on Pinterest and pinned my favorite piece
Littlemamameow at gmail dot com
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Littlemamameow at gmail dot com
Voted - Feb 10th
Littlemamameow at gmail dot com
Liked LwtH on FB (Carolina Thomas)
Littlemamameow at gmail dot com
Love the one called Succulents
I like DioNoche Designs on FB
Mary Avlos-Dailey
repinned New Winter Angels by Karen
Mary Avlos-Dailey
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Voted 2/10
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Mary Avlos-Dailey
voted 2-10
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
I love Kestral Visions!
Following DiaNoche Designs on Pinterest.
Following life with the Hux. on Twitter.
voted - feb 10
anger_family @yahoo dot com
I like African Queen.
nomfreebies AT hotmail DOT com
I like african queen.
nomfreebies AT hotmail DOT com
I voted.
I voted.
nomfreebies AT hotmail DOT com
voted 2-11
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
Voted today!
flower patch!
voted - feb 11
anger_family @yahoo dot com
I like Happily Ever After!
following on pinterest and pinned:
following on twitter @britibee
I voted!
Voted today!
voted 2/12
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
I'd have to pick one out with my husband, but I'm liking all of the cityscapes.
Pacific Fireworks is my favorite one by far! so beautiful!!
voted - feb 12
anger_family @yahoo dot com
I would choose the "Reach for a Star" picture :)
(Lauren Rochon in rafflecopter)
Liked Dianoche designs on FB as Lauren Rochon
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(name in rafflecopter: Lauren Rochon)
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(name in rafflecopter=Lauren Rochon)
Liked "Life with the hux" on Facebook as Lauren Rochon
There are all SO pretty! I like "Night Like Jewels." kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Like DiaNoche Designs on Facebook. Kristie Morrison Donelson. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Like Life with the Hux on Facebook. Kristie Morrison Donelson. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Follow Life with the Hux on Twitter. @kdonelson kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Voted for Life with Hux on Top Baby Blogs. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Follow on Pinterest. Kristie Donelson. Pinned favorite piece.
kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Fb like for you
Fb like them
Colorful stripes
Madonna of the Serengeti
Just a big kid
Mind reading zebras
Harry's hoe house
I'd choose Last To Be Lit. abailey_crace at yahoo dot com
I would choose Strum..
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
I love the "Flower Patch" in their children's collection.
Voted :)
The "Canadian Sunrise" is gorgeous.
I like DiaNoche Designs on FB as Linda Kwolek
I pinned
I follow Life with Hux on twitter as @kwolek21
voted - feb 13
anger_family @yahoo dot com
voted 2/13
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
I liked Dianoche Design on Pinterest and pinned the following:
Pinterest name is Jenn
I liked Dianoche Designs on FB as Lynn Sorkowski
I follow Life with the Hux on twitter (@luvcallie)
I voted for Life with the Hux
I liked Life with the Hux on FB as Lynn Sorkowski
Love the Canadian Sunrise!
So many beautiful options, but I think my fav is 2 Birds in Pretty Tree with Sunset. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Following you on pinterest
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Voted for you.
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
so pretty I am torn between lovely things and Flower the Midnight Goddess for my daughter Carly's Room
Like DiaNoche Designs on Facebook (mrstinareynolds
Follow life with the Hux. on Twitter @eaglesforjack
Follow life with the Hux on GFC denise tina reynolds
I Voted for life with the Hux
I Like life with the Hux. on Facebook (mrstinareynolds)
My favorite is Sarahs Sea Turtles.
Sooo hard to pick! I love Hope Or Let's Just Be, The Red Balloon, Backquackers...
All so adorable for the little one's room!
Follow on GFC
voted for you
I love the luminous-peacock print.
I liked DiaNoche Designs on Facebook as Nicole Lancaster.
I followed DiaNoche Designs on Pinterest as Nicole Lancaster (niclan80) and pinned my favorite piece-
I liked life with the Hux. on Facebook as Nicole Lancaster
I like the solar system design under children but Yoda would be a close second.
I want the Classic Red Mustang! makeighleekyleigh at
Like DiaNoche Designs on Facebook: Megan McGowan Parsons
I Follow DiaNoche Designs on Pinterest & Pin your favorite piece:
voted! makeighleekyleigh at
Like life with the Hux. on Facebook: Megan McGowan Parsons
makeighleekyleigh at
I might choose Sailboat Bay Garden if I won.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
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allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
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allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I love the Sailboat Bay Garden.
I pinned my favorite.
treasuretoday at aol dot com
I follow DiaNoche Designs on Pinterest. treasuretoday at aol dot com, Pam
I voted for you. treasuretoday at aol dot com
I might choose the Venice Grande Canale. Thanks! hstorm799{at}gmail{dot}com
o man i would prob choose birds of a feather but there are MANY others that i would love to own! :)
I follow them on Pinterest as & pinned here:
I voted for you on 2/14.
Cascade of Colors
I like
voted - feb 14
anger_family @yahoo dot com
I like Views over Vantentime
Liked Life with the Hux on Facebook
Follow Dianoche on FB
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
Follow on pinterest and pinned.
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
I'd choose the Dance of the Iris
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
Follow live with hux on twitter @coolestmommy
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
follow life with hux on FB
coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
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cooletmommy2000 at gmail dot com
So beautiful!!
I love the Family Joy I
Thank you for the chance!
Follow you on twitter as @PBnWhine
Theres sooo many. I think I'd choose the daydream children's print.
Solar System.
I followed Dianoche Designs on fb.
I voted.
I voted!!!
I follow life w/ Hux on fb.
i like the i love you moo :)
i like their page on fb
i pinned my fave on pinterest and follow them
i voted :)
i like you on fb
I wasnt done so i had to pick before giveaway over so far i like
Family Joy I
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
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sibabe64 at ptd dot net
follow dianoche and pinned
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sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I think i voted,not sure how it works
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
liked u on fb
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
cant find gfc link
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I would choose Alice Contemplating:
Following Dianoche Designs on Pinterest and Pinned:
Following Dianoche Desings on FB as Adrianne Braun
Voted 2/15
follow Life with the Hux on Twitter as @adriannebraun
It was super hard to choose. I really liked the Mom n Me print.
dj_onassis at yahoo dot com
Liked DiaNoche Designs on FB.
dj_onassis at yahoo dot com
Following DiaNoche on pinterest and pinned.
dj_onassis at yahoo dot com
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dj_onassis at yahoo dot com
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dj_onassis at yahoo dot com
I like Flower the midnight goddess.
jennahudson123 @ gmail .com
fave: Cityscape I
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
like you on FB as deanna time
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
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deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
like them on Fb as deanna time
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
pinterest follow (dlw47) & pinned
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
voted - feb 15
anger_family @yahoo dot com
Voted :)
Visited site: would choose Reach for a Star
That is way too cute!
I like the Family Joy I
I like them on facebook as Burning moon.
Following them on Pintrest as Burningmoonprod & Pinned their picture to my "Kids bedroom Idea" board.
I follow you on twitter as @Burningmoonprod
Voted for you!
I like you on facebook as Burning Moon.
Oh I would love the Reach For A Star for little Carters room! So precious and he is so in love with the moon and the stars!
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