

life on the Farm.

It is a kid's Fall Wonderland where we live right now.
Pumpkins, corn stalks, tractors, scarecrows, apples.
Hux is in Autumn Heaven!

Are you getting into the season yet? 
I'm pretty stoked to be in my snuggly sweaters, making soups & pumpkin flavored everything.

Today is "Mama Monday"--Hux is at school (which he has been for the most part LOVING).  
I've been relishing in these moments to myself. Cleaning, cooking, checking stuff off the "Put Off Far Too Long To Do List" & just having some time to settle mind a bit. 

It's good for everyone.

Hope you had a lovely little weekend & nice start to your week.

Go do something for yourself, and take a couple cleansing breaths to reboot your mind for Monday.

[couldn't you just gobble him up?]


PS: Hey you winners of the Zagorra HotPants...GET AT ME! I don't want to have to redraw!

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