

Good times, Great Lakes.

What a trip!
Our twelve days on the gorgeous Leelanau Peninsula were slow & fast all at the same time.
We're still adjusting to being home after all the hospitality, relaxing, and love we received from "Mama & Papa" as Hux dubbed his Grandparents.

Everyday was just perfect.
Matt & I got to sleep in while Huxley was with my parents. He is just so in love with them is melts my heart and breaks it all at once. 

We'd wake up to fresh coffee on the porch overlooking Lake Leelanau & Lake Michigan---a view that can't be beat. My Dad would cook a breakfast of champions daily for us--Matt was spoiled & now expects steak and eggs on the regular.

Our days would just be lazy, unplanned & just as they should be on vacation.
On the hotter days we'd head to the beach and let Hux explore his inner Water Baby, and on the cooler days we'd just hang around the house and cruise around the woods on various forms of ATVs.

Speaking of...that is Huxley's new obsession, going for "Kubby" rides with Papa. Seriously could NOT get enough. He'd run over it it saying, "I go! I go!" and wait by the door until someone either took him for a ride or escorted him back to the house. 

Huxley got to spend some time with his cousin Lexi--Hux called her "Hucky". She is the best babysitter ever, and the only one who could keep up with him!!

Hux flourished in MI, and there are now several new words & phrases to add to the list...
"I go"
Ice cream cone
Nose, Eye, Mouth
Hot Dog
"Oh, man!"

He pretty much repeats anything we say now--definitely not clearly or accurately, but he sure is communicating.

It was so nice to be able to spend such a good chunk of time with my parents--especially for Hux. That was my favorite part of the trip, watching them interact, Hux shadowing "Mama" all around the house with such adoration.

We sure do miss them already...I think it's time for a Philly Trip for them! 

& now for the great photo dump from the trip...


PS: The winners from the Zaggorra HotPants Giveaway are announced HERE!! (finallllllly.)

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