It's been 7 months since Hux got six teeth overnight...seriously...I am not joking...
Four on top & two on the bottom.
The night before they sprouted Huxley had a fever of 103.5 & a severely running nose. He nursed pretty much the entire day before and into the night but the next day when they finally emerged he was back to his happy smiley self.
The past week I knew something was up & spotted the culprit right next to his bottom two teeth. I'd been speculating for months it was his back teeth, but lo & behold it is the front bottom AND the back! Yikes.
Four on top & two on the bottom.
The night before they sprouted Huxley had a fever of 103.5 & a severely running nose. He nursed pretty much the entire day before and into the night but the next day when they finally emerged he was back to his happy smiley self.
The past week I knew something was up & spotted the culprit right next to his bottom two teeth. I'd been speculating for months it was his back teeth, but lo & behold it is the front bottom AND the back! Yikes.
Last night Hux slept on my chest. The poor thing was writhing in pain, and could not get comfortable. I hate feeling helpless as a Mama and cradled & nursed him until he fell back to sleep and through the night.
I read somewhere that as adults we couldn't bear the pain of teething, and I can only imagine how bad it hurts. We have done everything we can to lessen the trauma of this milestone by using these magical items shown below...
These are great for wiping sensitive runny noses!

The & probably awkwardest baby invention...literally a booger MAGIC on the snot though!
We try not to dose Hux with Ibuprofen (although we do use it on occasion) but I find Hyland's to be the best Homeopathic alternative.
The Amber Teething Necklace...I believe this has helped is believed to cover a multitude of teething woes such as:
- Immune Boosting Properties
- Reduction In teething pain
- Calm a baby without resorting to drugs
- Anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties
- Recognized by allopathic medicine as a natural analgesic
&'s cute as heck.
Good luck to all you Mamas & Papas that have fussy babies on your's only a temporary blip on their lifelong journey.
PS: All of these items can be found via
Good luck to all you Mamas & Papas that have fussy babies on your's only a temporary blip on their lifelong journey.
PS: All of these items can be found via
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