Easter is just around the corner...Pinterest is blowing up & Mama's are scrambling to find fun things to put in their little one's baskets...am I right?
Well friends, let me help you out with that last part--I have a bunch of really fun stuff that some really cool companies & shops want to GIVE TO YOU!!
First there is this incredibly sweet lamby hat which is handmade out of Alpaca Wool by the lovely & talented Barb or Sweet Bauer Knits. This would be perfect for a little Easter photo shoot, to wear to church or Easter Egg Hunting! Can't you picture it now?
Note: Sweet chubby baby not included in the Giveaway.
Well friends, let me help you out with that last part--I have a bunch of really fun stuff that some really cool companies & shops want to GIVE TO YOU!!
First there is this incredibly sweet lamby hat which is handmade out of Alpaca Wool by the lovely & talented Barb or Sweet Bauer Knits. This would be perfect for a little Easter photo shoot, to wear to church or Easter Egg Hunting! Can't you picture it now?
Note: Sweet chubby baby not included in the Giveaway.
Second is the incredible Gro Egg by The Gro Company. This thing is magical...we have one in Hux's nursery. Room temperature is vital in creating a safe sleeping environment for your baby and should be maintained at 61-67F to help reduce the risk of SIDS. The Gro Egg acts as a visual reminder for you to take action to cool or heat the room, or to adjust the baby's bedding or clothing by glowing different colors based on the temp.

Thirdly we have these sweet Pink (sorry boys) gift from CornerStorkBabyGifts.com these are perfect for your little ladies Easter Basket (or even for a Baby Shower gift!), and those socks? TOO CUTE.

Next up is a $50 credit to Urban Walls. We don't have any decals up in our little place, but if we did they would certainly be from this sweet Etsy shop! They have so many fun decals to choose from! My favorite is this cavity-maker Owl decal...again, I'm going girl themed, and no--we aren't expecting again! But I do on occasion dream of a tu-tu twirlin' princess for Hux to give bugs to..

Lastly we have some wooden goodies from Ah!Natural Baby. Based out of Portland, Oregon, this company has your babies health & best interest in mind with their amazing naturally made products. Perfect for those chubby hands to pick up & gnaw on!

Many Ways to Enter!
- Follow life with the Hux. on Twitter
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-Like Urban Walls on Facebook
- Tweet about the giveaway: I just entered to win a Basketful of Goodies! http://lifewiththehux.blogspot.com/2012/02/fillin-up-your-easter #giveaway @lifewiththehux
-Grab our Button & post it on your blog (leave the URL in your comment to confirm)
-Blog about the Giveaway (leave the URL in your comment to confirm)
*The Giveaway will end on March 19th & winner will be chosen via random.org*
Good luck!
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-Blog about the Giveaway (leave the URL in your comment to confirm)
*The Giveaway will end on March 19th & winner will be chosen via random.org*
Good luck!
& the winner is:
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This blog is content amazing information about Easter gift which is very useful for me. It very important information about Easter festival.
Thank you very much for this great information.
Easter Gift Basket Ideas For Boys
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