

what got my through month number one

Water, water & more water.

these little gems helped this sore Mama get through those beginning rough patches

I found an entire box full of pre-fold cloth diapers that I washed up & now use for everything!

We set up the Pack n Play in our room and it's been a life saver...Hux hasn't spent a single night in his nursery (we plan on transitioning as soon as he hit's the 15 lb limit)

Since I've had to supplement/pump we had to purchase a few bottles and these babies are the best! I even had a fellow Mama stop me in the isle as I was debating and tell me that I was making the right choice with Born Free.

I pretty much lived off hot chocolate ever since leaving the hospital. Yep. It's delicious, and I've convinced myself it's nutritious as well!

& of course, this beautiful man.

He's been my biggest help/blessing/encourager/fan/etc etc etc everything all things amazing. That is what he is.

I'm sure I will think of more to add later, but for now I've got a cute Bunny lover to snuggle...


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