

a little (late) love.

Oh, wow do I ever stink at blogging! 
It is honestly always something over here--this time we were knocked sideways with Influenza, thank you preschool!

Our Valentine's Day was spent huddled in bed with fevers, aches and general ick. Two weeks later we are just know starting to feel like our normal selves again. I swear, I tried everything the moment I felt the crud creeping up on us--I even went so far as to put onion peels in our socks overnight (um...YUCK...will never do that again.)

Along with the gross onion trick that didn't seem to work I was diffusing essential oils, rubbing the bottoms of feet with Thieves Oil & lavender. Eventually we kind of just surrendered to the sickness and let it take it's long horrible course.

I was just at my computer & saw these darling photos from a little shoot we did and simply had to share as well as say a quick "hello, I know I suck, but I still love you!".

be well. 




I'll be honest---I really stink at blogging.
It's been super hard to prioritize sitting down and writing out our day to day or thoughts from my Mombie brain. 

Definitely doesn't help when we keep getting knocked sideways with some form of flu, cold, sickness or injury. Which is where we are at this weekend. Buried under mountains of tissues, lost in the haze of our humidifier. 

I truly am sorry. This once was a haven to me and I cherished sharing our little tribe with you, and I promise to work on carving more time out to come here and post photos of our little brown eyed dream babies.

Until then we wish you health & a full night's sleep. 
