

29 months.

This boy.
He is an absolute dream child.
For the most part, I mean, he is two, and he is a boy, and he does have crazy limitless energy that can have me drained by noon, but then he does something sweet or cute or funny and it makes all those little frustrating moments totally and completely worth it.

Take for instance the other day, he pull my shirt up while I was sitting on the couch and knelt on the floor at my belly and talked to "Baby Sister" for about 5 minutes saying "Hello", kissing the belly, showing her his snuggle Bunny, and then saying "Bye Baby Sister, see you later!".

I mean, he slays me with his sweetness.
And those eyes? Yeah, he pretty much gets away with murder--except he hasn't a mean bone in his body...Hux stepped on an ant the other day then was pretty sad about it saying how he "broke it".

Potty training has been going really well, having really good progress, but not pushing it. Finally recognizing when he has to go is a huge step, and then actually making it to the toilet before going...high fives all around.

Apologies for the quietness on the blog lately, I have been a terrible photo taker, and could give you a million excuses, but really, I am just enjoying the last 5 weeks of Mommy + Hux time--even if it gets a little much, there's always the weekend, and Daddy is a Saint whom I love and adore and cherish, etc etc etc. He lets me have time to wash my hair & for that I am eternally grateful.


1 comment:

RF Dietz said...

Aww he really is a dream child!