

Mightee Kids Tees for a Cause

Mightee Kids Tees are stylish, for a good cause, and an awesome tool to help teach your little one about the importance of sharing with those who are in need. Every shirt we've received has been for a great cause--this month's being Autism, & the designs are pretty fabulous as well.
Hux is a tad too young to grasp the details, but he definitely understands big picture---compassion and sharing which are very important values in our home.
We hope you are having a lovely week & survived all the April Fool's pranks---I am pleased to report that mine was pretty successful, haha!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow he is super cute! i dont know him but i feel like i do, i hope one day im as good of a mom as you! And i hope my baby is as cute as the Hux....i showed all my friends this blog and they all love you and him!!