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Gulp. Chug. Sip. Pop. Choke.
The daily routine of a baby grower.
Although my midwife doesn't recommend any particular supplement, and claims all nutrients can be derived from food, (and I agree) I don't always eat kale for breakfast, lunch & dinner and am pretty sure that the croissant + raspberry jelly didn't count for much...
So I take a pretty pennies worth of powders, pills, fibers & oils to ensure little Miss grows big and strong in there. The elderberry syrup has been thrown into the mix lately to ward off the sickies.
No. More. Sickies.
I won't stand for it.
If you'd like to win your own awesome, delicious, gorgeously designed sickie fighting set of Elderberry Syrup & Thyme, Lemon + Honey Throat Soothing Syrup from Orange Chair Herbs in Connecticut then leave me a comment telling me what your favorite remedies for cold & flu.
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*Giveaway will end 4/1 & winner will be selected via random.org*
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Never heard of using cod liver oil! Don't think I'll be trying that any time soon!
You'll be getting an email from Orange Chair soon :)
Around here we go to Apple cider vinegar first.
Gargle with it when you have a sore throat.
Drink it in some hot water with a little raw honey added after it cools a bit
Also cayenne pepper is great for us...we put it in capsules, and seems to help get rid of any sickies we have very quickly!
Joni O
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I like to make Echinacea tincture each Fall to help keep our immune systems strong to fight any sickness.
Thanks from karmakaytlyn(at)yahoo(dot)com!
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Honey, lemon and ginger
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I drink some emergen-C. Even more vitamin C, and some zinc.
My mom would make some sage and elderflower tea when I had a cough. Oh, that sage tea smelled like cows. Ick.
I drink honey with lemon,salvia.
I try to up my vitamin C with OJ and other citrus fruits.
Loading up on extra elderberry syrup, fruit smoothies packed with lots of goodies,and cod liver oil.
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When we get colds we get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and eat soup, any kind of soup will do because that is just what you are supposed to do when you are sick! lol Luckily, we aren't sick very often.
We head straight for the nyquil, but I'd love to try some more natural options.
my favorite cold remedies is hot tea with lemon or honey and nyquil for sleepfacesslt
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chicken noodle soup. so comforting. eclairre(AT)ymail(DOT)com
My remedy for colds and flu is Theraflu and Hydra Throat Lozenges from Cepacol. I do NOT use Zicam because I think I'm allergic. It made me WAY sicker. Rest and liquids are good too, especially hot tea! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
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I use zinc and lots of Vitamin C and B12 (CoreyOlomon at gmail.com)
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We rely on rest, chicken soup and lots of water.
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we use honey and salt water
aimee murad at gmail dot com
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Tea with honey and lemon or a salt water gargle.
I've got a cold right now and I'm loading up on Echinacea Tea. Thanks! hstorm799{at}gmail{dot}com
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when i have a cold i will load up on vitamin c, drink plenty of fluids and take all my vitamins. i like to drink hot tea with honey mixed in and sometimes i will drink hot totties also. i also try and get a lot of rest, but with 2 small kids that almost never happens lol :)
We live by Elderberry syrup! Anyone who coughs in this house, gets it. :) momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
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I make boiled onion soup as a throat soother. Just peel and chop an onion and boil it and sip the broth. Recommended to me by an Afghan coworker and I tried it and think it works great.
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my stand by is always hot green tea with lots of honey and lemon. yum!
My favorite remedy is sleep and viatmin c
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