

Babies First Birthday Bash!

We had so much fun yesterday at a group First Birthday party!

A Yoga Mama friend of mine hosted a collective celebration for all of our little ones (most of us took pre/post-natal together). It was so great to be around such lovely ladies...noshin' on good foods & watching our sweet babies play together.

I couldn't be more envious of the Hostess' play area--essentially a giant colorful cage of amazingness. Hux could have spent the rest of the day in that thing-- it was magical.

All of the babies were so stinkin' adorable & were so cute to watch interacting with each little girl was having some severe meltdowns & Hux would go up to her with toys and crouch down by her as to console heart is officially a puddle!

Here is a glimpse into the absolute preciousness that was yesterday's birthday bash:

[I love the narration on this video!]


1 comment:

Mom of Two said...

Was a winner picked for the Finger Food giveaway?

jshallow01 @